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Clinical Psychologist, Licensed in California by the Board of Psychology, #26174


Psychoanalysis in the style of Freud and Lacan


I’m Dr. Peter Brown, and I am a licensed California psychologist and practice psychoanalysis in the tradition of Freud & Lacan.  I am here to guide you through life’s most complex and difficult matters as you articulate yourself in the world.  As one of the only psychoanalysts in the region, I offer treatment to patients typically consisting of psychoanalysis on the couch or by phone.


Since 2007, I have provided a number of specialized mental health services to patients from many walks of life and in many settings from hospitals and community clinics to group practices. Your work in treatment is my number one priority.  Helping you to articulate through speech is the focus of the work, and both discovering and exploring that which has been overlooked, ignored, or neglected has direct impacts on the symptom and your relationship to yourself, to others, and the world more broadly, both in work and in love. 

Get in touch with me today by phone for a free consultation.  We can take some time to understand your needs and what you are looking for from treatment.  


There are many options, together we can find the right one for you.  

DR. P. BROWN, Psychoanalysis

Quality Care You Can Count On

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